Commonwealth Financial Network |
Retail sales increased more than expected which—should it continue—will provide broader support for economic activity and growth.
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Commonwealth Financial Network |
Consumer credit expanded after a lull in May and moved toward a more normalized level.
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Melissa Martin, Intuitive Eating Counselor, Certified Pilates Instructor |

As we finish out our series on reducing toxic exposure in our homes, this month we will focus on cleaning up our personal care products. This one is especially

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Commonwealth Financial Network |
The difference in strength between the manufacturing and service sector remains in place.
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Commonwealth Financial Network |
July data showed consumers continuing to spend despite lower-than-expected income growth as well as higher-than-expected confidence. The Fed hiked another 25
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Melissa Martin, Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor, Certified Pilates Instructor |

Last month we kicked off our series of detoxifying our homes and getting started with a high-quality air and water purifier. This month, I would like to look at

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Commonwealth Financial Network |
Producer inflation has led the charge down and investors will see if CPI will follow suit.
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